Jenia Tevelev. Umass Amherst Deformations of the Kalck-Karmazyn Algebra via Homological Mirror Symmetry sala 2 Abstract: Kawamata observed that a Q-Gorenstein smoothing of a Wahl singularity gives rise to a matrix order, i.e., a 1-parameter flat degeneration of a matrix algebra. Tevelev and Urzúa later generalized this result to general smoothings of 2-dimensional cyclic quotient singularities. However, these results were proved using abstract methods of birational geometry, making explicit calculations challenging. In joint work with Yanki Lekili, we use homological mirror symmetry to derive explicit formulas for Kawamata’s matrix orders.
2024-11-26 13:30hrs.
Aníbal Aravena. UC Chile Grand Finale: Superficies de K3 y Condiciones de Estabilidad sala 2
2024-11-26 13:30hrs.
Aníbal Aravena. Umass Amherst Fano visitor conjecture for K3 surfaces sala 2 Abstract:
A smooth projective variety is said to be a Fano visitor if its derived category can be embedded into the derived category of a smooth Fano manifold. In 2011, Bondal conjetured that every smooth projective variety is a Fano visitor. In this talk, I will discuss a proof of this conjecture for 75% fo K3 surfaces by using the work of Bayer and Macrì, which describes the birational geometry of a moduli space of sheaves on a K3 surface through Bridgeland stability condition, and the study of fixed locus of antysimplectic involution by Saccà, Macrì, O'Grady, and Flapan.
2024-11-21 13:30hrs.
Benjamín Maldonado. UC Chile Baby Baby: Cocientes de Variedades Afines Por Grupos Finitos sala 2
2024-11-19 13:30hrs.
Aníbal Aravena. Umass Amherst Geometría Birracional de Espacios de Moduli sala 2
2024-11-14 13:30hrs.
Francisca Paredes. UC Chile Baby Baby: Transformaciones de Cremona sala 2
2024-11-07 13:30hrs.
Camila Pérez. UC Chile Baby Baby: 28 Rectas Bitangentes de Una Cuártica Plana sala 2
2024-10-29 13:30hrs.
Aníbal Aravena. Umass Amherst Haces Fibrados y Estabilidad sala 2
2024-10-24 13:30hrs.
Benjamín Macías. UC Chile Baby Baby: Superficie Elíptica de Un Pincel de Cúbicas sala 2
2024-10-22 13:30hrs.
Aníbal Aravena. Umass Amherst Estructura de Hodge y Teorema Global de Torelli, Classical, Derived and Twisted sala edificio Villanueva de usos múltiples
2024-10-17 13:30hrs.
Giancarlo Urzúa. UC Chile Baby Baby: Teorema de Pascal sala 2
2024-10-15 13:30hrs.
Sebastián Torres. UC Chile Superficies de K3 y condiciones de estabilidad: intro a las K3 sala 2 Abstract: 15 Oct: Superficies K3, Cohomología e invariantes principales. Referencia: Lectures on K3 surfaces (Huybrechts). Chapter 1.1-1.3
22 Oct: Estructura de Hodge y Teorema Global de Torelli, classical, derived and twisted (Huybrechts). Section 1.1.
29 Oct: Haces fibrados y estabilidad. Referencias: Lectures on K3 surfaces (Huybrechts). Chapter 9.1-9.3
05 Nov: Estabilidad de Gieseker y espacios de moduli. Referencias: The geometry of Moduli space of sheaves (Huybrechts & Lehn) Chapter 1.2
12 Nov: Categorías derivadas y condiciones de estabilidad de Bridgeland, Referencia: Introduction to Bridgeland stability conditions (Huybrechts) & Stability conditions on K3 surfaces (Bridgeland)
19 Nov: Geometría birracional de espacios de moduli. Referencia: MMP via for moduli space of sheaves on K3s via wall crossing: Nef and movable cone, Lagrangian fibrations (Bayer-Macri)
26 Nov:
2024-10-08 13:30hrs.
Mauricio Bustamante. UC Chile Herramientas Topológicas Para Problemas en Superficies Algebraicas V sala 2
2024-10-03 13:30hrs.
Ignacio Henriquez. UC Chile Baby Baby: Curvas Duales sala 2
2024-10-01 13:30hrs.
Giancarlo Urzúa. UC Chile Herramientas Topológicas Para Problemas en Superficies Algebraicas Iv sala 2
2024-09-26 13:30hrs.
Agustín Gilbert. UC Chile Baby Baby: Resolución de Singularidades en Curvas Planas sala 2
2024-09-24 13:30hrs.
Mauricio Bustamante. UC Chile Herramientas Topológicas Para Problemas en Superficies Algebraicas III sala 2
2024-09-12 13:30hrs.
Felipe Inostroza. UC Chile Baby Baby: la Geometría del Grupo de Una Cúbica Plana sala 2
2024-09-10 13:30hrs.
Mauricio Bustamante. UC Chile Herramientas Topológicas Para Problemas en Superficies Algebraicas II sala 2
2024-09-05 13:30hrs.
Giancarlo Urzúa. UC Chile Baby: Preguntas Abiertas Sobre Configuraciones de Rectas en el Plano sala 2