Seminario de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional

El seminario de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional reune a investigadores y alumnos del área homónima de la PUC cada miércoles durante el semestre. En un ambiente interdisciplinario, abarca diversos tópicos en el área incluyendo Optimización, Análisis Numérico, Cuantificación de Incertidumbre, Ciencias de Datos y Teoría de la Computación, con una fuerte inclinación a distintas aplicaciones en las más diversas áreas.

Jasper Van Doornmalen. Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional (Imc), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Propagation Algorithms for Handling Symmetries of Mathematical Programs
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
Optimization problems are often solved using constraint programming or mixed-integer programming techniques, using enumeration or branch-and-bound techniques. It is well known that if the problem formulation is very symmetric, there may exist many symmetrically equivalent solutions to the problem. Without handling the symmetries, traditional solving methods have to check many symmetric parts of the solution space, which comes at a high computational cost. Handling symmetries in optimization problems is thus essential for devising efficient solution methods.
The presentation will introduce and review common methods for solving mathematical programs, the concepts of symmetries in mathematical programs, and how symmetries can be handled. Then, the main results of Jasper's dissertation are presented, along with computational results. In particular, the presentation focuses on a general framework for symmetry handling that captures many of the already existing symmetry handling methods. While these methods are mostly discussed independently from each other in the literature, the framework allows to apply different symmetry handling methods simultaneously and thus outperform their individual effects. Moreover, most existing symmetry handling methods only apply to binary variables. Our framework allows to easily generalize these methods to general variable types. Numerical experiments confirm that our novel framework is superior to the state-of-the-art methods implemented in the solver SCIP.
Pierre Gélat. Division of Surgery & Interventional Science, University College London (Ucl), Uk
OptimUS: an open-source Python library for 3D acoustic wave propagation
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
The Helmholtz equation for harmonic wave propagation is a widely used model for many acoustic phenomena, such as room acoustics, sonar, and biomedical ultrasound. The boundary element method (BEM) is one of the most efficient numerical methods to solve Helmholtz transmission problems and is based on boundary integral formulations that rewrite the volumetric partial differential equations into a representation of the acoustic fields in terms of surface potentials at the material interfaces. OptimUS ( is a Python library centred around the BEM, which offers a user-friendly interface via Jupyter Notebooks, enabling the prediction of acoustic waves in piecewise homogeneous media in the frequency domain. 
This talk will provide an overview of the OptimUS interface, with a focus on case studies where objects are large relative to the wavelengths involved. This will include biomedical ultrasound, which has a growing number of therapeutic applications such as the treatment of cancers of the liver and kidney. The modelling of transcranial ultrasound neurostimulation, an emerging modality which may one day treat mental health conditions such as depression, will also be reviewed. Acoustic wave propagation into the uterus at audio range frequencies will be presented to provide awareness of the impact of everyday noise exposure on the developing fetus.
Giovanni Fantuzzi. Division of Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics, Department of Mathematics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Data-driven system analysis: Polynomial optimization meets Koopman
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
When studying complex systems that evolve over time, it is often not enough to just predict the future. We also want to know if equilibrium states are stable, how the system will behave on average over a long time, and how uncertainty impacts the dynamics. Techniques from polynomial optimization can be used to make these predictions when we have explicit models for the dynamics based on polynomial equations. But what if the model isn’t based on polynomial equations or, worse, we don't know the model at all?
In this talk, I will discuss how we can analyze dynamical systems using only data from measurements, with no need for an explicit mathematical model. The main idea is to combine polynomial optimization with a data analysis technique called extended dynamic mode decomposition, which is related to the celebrated Koopman operator. I will introduce these tools, show how they work together, and illustrate their effectiveness with examples related to stability and long-term behavior.
Juan Pablo Contreras. Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional, Universidad Católica
Stochastic Fixed-Point Iterations: Convergence, Complexity, and Applications
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
Fixed-point iterations provide a systematic method to approximate solutions for a wide range of problems, including operator equations, nonlinear equations, and optimization tasks. Recently, stochastic variants of these iterations have garnered attention due to their applicability in scenarios where the underlying operators are uncertain, noisy, or random. However, despite this growing interest, stochastic fixed-point iterations in non-Euclidean settings remain underexplored compared to related frameworks, such as stochastic monotone inclusions, variational inequalities, or stochastic optimization, which are predominantly studied in Euclidean spaces.
In this talk, we analyze the oracle complexity of stochastic Mann-type iterations designed to approximate fixed points of nonexpansive and contractive maps in a finite-dimensional space equipped with a general norm. We establish both upper and lower bounds on the convergence rate of the fixed-point residual and provide conditions for almost sure convergence of the iterates. Our findings have potential applications in reinforcement learning and bilevel optimization.
Cristóbal Quiñinao. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Persistence and neutrality in interacting replicator dynamics
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
We study the large-time behavior of an ensemble of entities obeying replicator-like stochastic dynamics with mean-field interactions as a model for a primordial ecology. We prove the propagation-of-chaos property and establish conditions for the strong persistence of the N -replicator system and the existence of invariant distributions for a class of associated McKean-Vlasov dynamics. In particular, our results show that, unlike typical models of neutral ecology, fitness equivalence does not need to be assumed but emerges as a condition for the persistence of the system. Further, neutrality is associated with a unique Dirichlet invariant probability measure. We illustrate our findings with some simple case studies, provide numerical results, and discuss our conclusions in the light of Neutral Theory in ecology.
Víctor Verdugo. Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional (Imc) - Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Optimal Guarantees for Prophet Inequalities Over Time
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
Prophet inequalities are a cornerstone in optimal stopping and online decision-making. Traditionally, they involve the sequential observation of n non-negative independent random variables and face irrevocable accept-or-reject choices. The goal is to provide policies that provide a good approximation ratio against the optimal offline solution that can access all the values upfront -- the so-called prophet value. In the prophet inequality over time problem, the decision-maker can commit to an accepted value for T units of time, during which no new values can be accepted. This creates a trade-off between the duration of commitment and the opportunity to capture potentially higher future values.
In this work we provide optimal approximation guarantees for the IID setting. We show a single-threshold algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of (1+1/e^2)/2≈0.567, and we prove that no single-threshold algorithm can surpass this guarantee. Then, for each n, we prove it is possible to compute the tight worst-case approximation ratio of the optimal dynamic programming policy for instances with n values by solving a convex optimization program. A limit analysis of the first-order optimality conditions yields a nonlinear differential equation showing that the optimal dynamic programming policy's asymptotic worst-case approximation ratio is ≈0.618. Joint work with Sebastian Pérez-Salazar (Rice University, USA).
Leonardo Zepeda-Núñez. Google Research
Recent Advances in Probabilistic Scientific Machine Learning
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
The advent of generative AI has turbocharged the development of a myriad of commercial applications, and it has slowly started to permeate into scientific computing. In this talk we discussed how recasting the formulation of old and new problems within a probabilistic approach opens the door to leverage and tailor state-of-the-art generative AI tools. As such, we review recent advancements in Probabilistic SciML – including computational fluid dynamics, inverse problems, and particularly climate sciences, with an emphasis on statistical downscaling.
Statistical downscaling is a crucial tool for analyzing the regional effects of climate change under different climate models: it seeks to transform low-resolution data from a (potentially biased) coarse-grained numerical scheme (which is computationally inexpensive) into high-resolution data consistent with high-fidelity models.
We recast this problem in a two-stage probabilistic framework using unpaired data by combining two transformations: a debiasing step performed by an optimal transport map, followed by an upsampling step achieved through a probabilistic conditional diffusion model. Our approach characterizes conditional distribution without requiring paired data and faithfully recovers relevant physical statistics, even from biased samples.
We will show that our method generates statistically correct high-resolution outputs from low-resolution ones, for different chaotic systems, including well known climate models and weather data. We show that the framework is able to upsample up to 300x while accurately matching the statistics of relevant physical quantities – even when the low-frequency content of the inputs and outputs differs. This is a crucial yet challenging requirement that existing state-of-the-art methods usually struggle with.
Nicolás Barnafi. Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional (Imc) y Facultad de Biología UC
Some open challenges in nonlinear poroelasticity
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
The equations of nonlinear poroelasticity describe the flow of one or more fluid phases through a complex network within a solid undergoing large deformations. One iconic example of such materials is soft tissue, but many other applications are relevant, such as hydrogels, CO2 sequestration and salt filters. We have been able to identify one important source of difficulties, deemed as primal inconsistency, which has given rise to novel formulations that are yet to be analyzed. Still, there is no general framework within which these equations can be analyzed, with the most successful one so far being that of generalized gradient flows. This formalism has given deep insight into the origin of historical fixed-point iterations used to solve linear models, such as fixed-stress and undrained iterations. In this talk, I will give an overview of these topics and hope to sparkle some curiosity to tackle some of these open challenges.
Matthew Jacobs. Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara
A deterministic PDE perspective on diffusion models
Sala de usos múltiples, piso 1, edificio Felipe Villanueva, Facultad de Matemáticas
A particularly prominent area of machine learning is generative modeling, in which one seeks to artificially generate new data from a given input. For instance, generating images from a chosen text prompt. Mathematically, this can be posed as finding a map that pushes a simple probability distribution, such as a standard Gaussian to a complicated probability distribution. New data can then be created by sampling random points from the simple distribution and then sending them through the constructed map.
Currently, one of the most popular paradigms used in generative modeling is diffusion modeling, where the map is created by observing the behavior of a diffusion equation applied to the given data. In this talk, I will give an introduction to diffusion modeling, discuss some of my work approaching the problem from a deterministic PDE perspective (as opposed to the more typical stochastic approach), and mention some interesting open questions in this area.
Eduardo Cerpa. Decano de la Facultad de Matemáticas
Métodos Matemáticos en Neuroestimulación
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
Terapias con estimulación eléctrica son usadas para tratar síntomas de diferentes desórdenes del sistema nervioso. En este contexto, el uso de señales de alta frecuencia ha recibido mucha atención debido a sus efectos en tejidos y células. En esta charla veremos cómo métodos matemáticos son útiles para abordar algunas preguntas relevantes cuando para la neurona se considera un modelo de FitzHugh-Nagumo. Acá la estimulación es a través de un término fuente en la ecuación diferencial ordinaria y el nivel de activación de la neurona está asociado con la existencia de potenciales de acción que son soluciones con un comportamiento específico. Una primera pregunta se relaciona con la efectividad de una técnica reciente llamada corrientes interferenciales, que combina dos señales de frecuencia kilohertz con el objetivo de lograr activación profunda. La segunda pregunta es sobre cómo evitar la activación inicial no deseada que se origina al comenzar a estimular con señales. Mostraremos resultados teóricos y computacionales usando métodos como promediado, análisis de Lyapunov, deformación casi-estática y otros.
Mario Durán. Ingmat Centro I+D
Tópicos Teóricos y Aplicados de Fenómenos Complejos de Propagación de Ondas para Desafíos en Ingeniería y Alta Tecnología
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
Desde un punto de vista teórico y aplicado, nos proponemos entregar una visión global de algunos problemas estratégicos de gran escala para la sociedad y la industria en el ámbito de los fenómenos complejos de propagación de ondas. Muy en particular, abordaremos el tópico de Tecnologías Híbridas Avanzadas capaces de generar nueva y diferenciadora información geomecánica, geotécnica y geológica estructural para minería, obras civiles y otras industrias que contribuyan a enfrentar la dificultad en garantizar eficiencia y continuidad operacional en una faena, a través de una descripción optimizada del comportamiento mecánico espaciotemporal del suelo, subsuelo y/o macizo rocoso circundante.
Nishant Mehta. Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria
Per-action regret bounds for adaptive sleeping bandits and beyond
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
The sleeping bandits problem is a variant of the classical multi-armed bandit problem. In each of a sequence of rounds: an adversary selects a set of arms (actions) which are available  (unavailable arms are "asleep"), the learning algorithm (Learner) then pulls an arm, and finally the adversary sets the loss of each available arm. Learner suffers the loss of the selected arm and observes only that arm's loss. A standard performance measure for this type of problem with changing action sets is the per-action regret: the learning algorithm wishes, for all arms simultaneously, to have cumulative loss not much larger than the cumulative loss of the arm when considering only those rounds in which the arm was available. For this problem, we present the first algorithms which enjoy low per-action regret against reactive (i.e., adaptive) adversaries; moreover, the regret guarantees are near-optimal, unlike previous results which were far from optimal even for oblivious adversaries. Along the way, we will review the simpler, full-information version of the problem, known as sleeping experts. Time permitting, we will also mention various extensions of our results, including (i) new results for bandits with side information from sleeping experts; (ii) guarantees for the adaptive regret and tracking regret for standard (non-sleeping) bandits. This is joint work with my PhD student Quan Nguyen, who should be credited for nearly all the results in this work.
Marcos Goycoolea. Escuela de Administración UC
Precedence constrained linear optimization and applications in scheduling & mining
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
We examine a class of mixed integer linear programming problems characterized by having a large set of precedence constraints and a small number of additional, “arbitrary” side constraints. These problems, which in a way are “almost” totally unimodular, are applicable in a wide array of scheduling tasks, including the well-known Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). RCPSPs and their variants are known to be extremely difficult to solve in practice. Moreover, they are of particular importance in the field of mining, where the scale of the problems can involve hundreds of millions of variables, posing a challenge for standard commercial solvers.
In this talk will describe these precedence-constrained optimization problems and discuss how understanding the optimal solution structure can inform the creation of specialized linear programming techniques that are more scalable than traditional algorithms. We will also describe new classes of cutting planes to strengthen linear relaxations. Applications of these methods will be showcased, ranging from scheduling for open pit and underground mines to adapting to uncertainties and integrating environmental objectives into scheduling practices.
This is joint work with Patricio Lamas, Eduardo Moreno and Orlando Rivera.
Vamsi Potluru. Ai Research, Jp Morgan
Synthetic data in Finance
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
I will give a broad introduction to synthetic data and in particular their applications to Finance. I will focus on fair synthetic data based on creating a small coreset of the original dataset utilizing the Wasserstein distance while enforcing demographic parity. Experiments show the benefits of the approach and will also include reducing bias in LLMs. The talk will be broadly based on:
Rashmi Vinayak. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Unlocking the Code: How Math Protects Our Data at Scale
Sala multiusos, primer piso Edificio Felipe Villanueva.
The massive data centers storing our information face constant challenges: hardware failures, unpredictable performance, and limited resources. How can we ensure our data stays safe and accessible in this ever-changing environment? This talk explores the surprising power of coding theory, a branch of mathematics that helps us store data efficiently and safely even when systems malfunction. I will start by delving into the basic principles behind coding theory and showing how it is used in modern storage systems. Finally, I will present a peek into cutting-edge research that's pushing the boundaries of data protection with even smarter codes.
Brendan Keith. Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
Proximal Galerkin: A structure-preserving finite element method for pointwise bound constraints
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
The proximal Galerkin finite element method is a high-order, nonlinear numerical method that preserves the geometric and algebraic structure of bound constraints in infinite-dimensional function spaces. In this talk, we will introduce the proximal Galerkin method and apply it to solve free-boundary problems, enforce discrete maximum principles, and develop scalable, mesh-independent algorithms for optimal design. The proximal Galerkin framework is a natural consequence of the latent variable proximal point (LVPP) methodology, which is a stable and robust alternative to the interior point method that will also be introduced in this talk. LVPP can be viewed as a low-iteration complexity, infinite-dimensional optimization algorithm that may be viewed as having an adaptive barrier function that is updated with a new informative prior at each (outer loop) optimization iteration. One of the main benefits of this algorithm is witnessed when analyzing the classical obstacle problem. Therein, we find that the original variational inequality can be replaced by a sequence of semilinear partial differential equations (PDEs) that are readily discretized and solved with, e.g., high-order finite elements. Throughout the talk, we will arrive at several unexpected contributions that may be of independent interest. These include (1) a semilinear PDE we refer to as the entropic Poisson equation; (2) an algebraic/geometric connection between high-order positivity-preserving discretizations and an infinite-dimensional Lie group; and (3) a gradient-based, bound-preserving algorithm for two-field density-based topology optimization. The complete latent variable proximal Galerkin methodology combines ideas from nonlinear programming, functional analysis, tropical algebra, and differential geometry and can potentially lead to new synergies among these areas as well as within variational and numerical analysis. This is joint work with T.M. Surowiec.
Dr. Guido Kanschat. Decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería; Centro Interdisciplinario de Computación Científica (Iwr); Universidad de Heidelberg
Constructing Multigrid Solvers for Hybridized Finite Elements
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
We begin by reviewing the derivation and motivation of hybridized mixed finite element methods and hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods. In the second part of the talk, we discuss the benefits and inner workings of multigrid solvers. Then, we are ready to discuss multigrid solvers for HDG methods, where the focus is on the construction of intergrid operators. In particular, we show how the analysis of existing methods leads to the development of new schemes.
Bernardo Subercaseaux. Carnegie Mellon University
El sorprendente poder de los SAT-solvers modernos aplicado a problemas matemáticos
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
Desde resolver Sudokus hasta demostrar teoremas matemáticos y pasando por verificar la correctitud de un programa, los SAT-solvers permiten resolver una amplia gama de problemas combinatoriales, y tienen aplicaciones en casi todas las áreas de la computación. Si bien los solvers modernos son altamente eficientes y sencillos de utilizar, usarlos para demostrar teoremas matemáticos que involucran millones de variables requiere de técnicas avanzadas de razonamiento automático. En esta charla presentaré una introducción al uso de SAT-solvers, pasando luego a explicar las técnicas utilizadas para resolver el problema del empaquetamiento cromático de la grilla infinita, un problema matemático abierto por 20 años que resolví junto a Marijn Heule.?
Diego Paredes. Dim Universidad de Chile, Ci²Ma Universidad de Concepción
A Multiscale Hybrid (not Mixed) Method
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
In this talk, we introduce, analyze, and experimentally validate a novel multiscale finite element technique known as the Multiscale Hybrid (MH) method. This approach shares similarities with the established Multiscale Hybrid Mixed (MHM) method, but it distinguishes itself through a groundbreaking reinterpretation of the Lagrange multiplier.?
This reinterpretation leads to a significant practical advantage: both local problems for computing basis functions and the global problem become elliptic in nature. This stands in contrast to the MHM method (as well as other conventional approaches) where a mixed global problem is tackled, necessitating constrained local problem resolutions for the computation of local basis functions.?
Our error analysis of the MH method is grounded in a hybrid formulation, complemented by a discrete-level static condensation process. Consequently, the final global system exclusively involves the Lagrange multipliers.?
To validate the performance and efficiency of this method, we conduct a series of numerical experiments on problems characterized by multiscale coefficients. Additionally, we offer a comprehensive comparative analysis with the MHM method, assessing performance, accuracy, and memory requirements.?
Thomas Führer. Facultad de Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Métodos de elementos finitos espacio-temporales
Presencial en Auditorio Edificio San Agustín
Las ecuaciones de calor son las representantes más famosas de problemas parabólicos e hiperbólicos, respectivamente. En la mayoría de los casos, resolver estos problemas de forma analítica es imposible. Por lo tanto, el diseño y análisis de métodos numéricos son extremadamente importantes.
Las discretizaciones clásicas involucran, por ejemplo, elementos finitos en el espacio, y discretizaciones temporales mediante diferencias finitas. En esta charla, exploraremos una perspectiva alternativa al tratar la variable temporal como cualquier otra variable en un dominio espacio-temporal. Discutiremos las ventajas y desventajas, basándonos en las ecuaciones de calor y onda. Además, presentaré resultados recientes sobre la discretización utilizando métodos de mínimos cuadrados, y abordaremos aplicaciones.