[68] | Test Spaces And Fortin Operators For DPG, 7th Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (WONAPDE), 2024. (15.01--19.01, Concepción, Chile) |
[67] | Test spaces and Fortin operators for DPG --- with applications, MINRES/LS-6, 2024. (24.06--27.06, Basque center for applied mathematics, Bilbao, Spain) |
[66] | Robust hybrid finite element methods for reaction-dominated diffusion problems, XXXII Congreso de Matemática CAPRICORNIO (COMCA 2024), 2024. (31.07-02.08, Arica, Chile) |
[65] | Space-time finite element methods, Seminario de divulgación, IMC, 2023. (29.11, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile) |
[64] | Construction of H(divDiv) elements, XLIX Semana de la Matemática, 2023. (10.10-13.10, Valparaíso, Chile) |
[63] | Some remarks on mixed FEM: Quasi-optimality, singular data, postprocessing, XXXV Jornada de Matemática de la Zona Sur, 2023. (19.04-21.04, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile) |
[62] | Multilevel norms in H^-s, Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM 2023), 2023. (12.06-21.06, Paris, France) |
[61] | Los algoritmos Top 10, XIX Encuentro con Gauss, 2023. (27.04, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile) |
[60] | Least-squares finite elements for distributed optimal control problems, European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH 2023), 2023. (04.09-08.09, Lisbon, Portugal) |
[59] | MINRES for second order PDEs with singular data, MINRES/LS-5, 2022. (05.10--07.10, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile) |
[58] | MINRES for second order PDEs with singular data, XXXIV Jornada de Matemática de la Zona Sur (online), 2022. (26.04-29.04, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile) |
[57] | Space-time finite elements for the optimal control of parabolic equations, CMAM2022, 2022. (29.08--02.09, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria) |
[56] | Multilevel decompositions in negative order Sobolev spaces and applications, CMAM2022, 2022. (29.08--02.09, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria) |
[55] | Multilevel norms and decompositions in negative order Sobolev spaces, Boundary Elements and Friends (Workshop in honor of Ernst. P. Stephan), 2022. (25.08--27.08, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria) |
[54] | MINRES methods for the singularly perturbed Darcy equations, BAIL2022, 2022. (28.11--02.12, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina) |
[53] | Descomposiciones y normas multilevel en espacios de Sobolev de órdenes negativos, Seminario Caleta Numérica, 2021. (24.09, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile) |
[52] | Construction of Trace Finite Element Spaces for Fourth-Order Problems, SIAM CSE21, 2021. (03.03, online congress, USA) |
[51] | Multilevel norms for negative order Sobolev spaces, XXXIII Jornada de Matemática de la Zona Sur (online), 2021. (20.04-24.04, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile) |
[50] | MINRES for second-order PDEs with singular data, Seminar, 2021. (06.12, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
[49] | Optimal quasi-diagonal preconditioners for pseudodifferential operators of order minus two, Seminario Caleta Numérica, 2020. (14.08, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile) |
[48] | Problema de obstáculo y aproximaciones, Escuela Doctoral 2020, Facultad de Matemáticas, 2020. (18.04, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile) |
[47] | Multilevel norms in negative order Sobolev spaces, Seminar, Oden Institute, 2020. (13.10, Austin, Texas, USA) |
[46] | DPG for plate bending, part II, 6th Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (WONAPDE), 2019. (21.01--25.01, Concepción, Chile) |
[45] | Problema de obstáculo y aproximaciones, Seminario Caleta Numérica, 2019. (11.10, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile) |
[44] | Optimal quasi-diagonal preconditioners for pseudodifferential operators of order minus two, Reliable Methods of Mathematical Modeling (RMMM) 2019, 2019. (09.09-13.09, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria) |
[43] | A least-squares finite element method for the obstacle problem, The mathematics of finite elements and applications (MAFELAP) 2019, 2019. (18.06-21.06, Brunel University, London, Great Britain) |
[42] | Introduction to the DPG method: Abstract framework and applications, Partial Differential Equations Seminar, 2019. (26.06, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal) |
[41] | Ultraweak formulation of linear elliptic PDEs in nondivergence form and DPG approximation, Minimum Residual & Least-Squares Finite Element Methods 2019, 2019. (16.09-18.09, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany) |
[40] | Problemas Bi-Laplacianos -- Formulaciones variacionales, trazas y aproximaciones, Coloquio de Mátematica, Facultad de Matemáticas, 2019. (12.04, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile) |
[39] | On the DPG method for Signorini problems, 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, 2018. (22.07--27.07, New York, USA) |
[38] | Superconvergence in a DPG method for an ultra-weak formulation, Symposium Numerical PDE, 2018. (25.01, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile) |
[37] | Problema de obstáculo y aproximaciones, Seminario de divulgación, IMC, 2018. (18.04, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile) |
[36] | A Least-Squares method for the Obstacle Problem, XXXI Jornada de Matemática de la Zona Sur, 2018. (25.04-27.04, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile) |
[35] | On the coupling of DPG and BEM, Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM), 2018. (26.06--28.06, Paris, France) |
[34] | Superconvergent DPG methods for second order elliptic problems, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics: CMAM-8, 2018. (03.07--05.07, Raubichi Sports Complex, Belarus) |
[33] | Stable multilevel splittings in __MATH0__, The Second Chilean Symposium on Boundary Element Methods (invited talk), 2018. (14.12, Valparaíso, Chile) |
[32] | A linear Uzawa-type solver for nonlinear transmission problems, Encuentro anual de SOMACHI, 2017. (02.11-04.11, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile) |
[31] | On the DPG method for Signorini problems, Santiago Numérico III, 2017. (28.06-30.06, PUC, Santiago, Chile) |
[30] | Superconvergence in the DPG method with ultra-weak formulation, Minimum Residual & Least-Squares Finite Element Methods, 2017. (02.10-04.10, Portland State University, Portland, USA) |
[29] | A linear Uzawa-type solver for nonlinear transmission problems, BEM on the Saar 2017, 2017. (29.05-31.05, University of Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Germany) |
[28] | On the DPG method for Signorini problems, Austrian Numerical Analysis Day, 2017. (04.05-05.05, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria) |
[27] | On the coupling of DPG and BEM, 5th Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (WONAPDE), 2016. (11.01-15.01, Concepción, Chile) |
[26] | El método DPG: Introducción y Extensiones, Seminario Ingeniería PUC (invited talk), 2016. (31.08, PUC, Santiago, Chile) |
[25] | Robust coupling of DPG and BEM for a singularly perturbed transmission problem, The mathematics of finite elements and applications (MAFELAP) 2016, 2016. (14.06-17.06, Brunel University, London, Great Britain) |
[24] | Sobre el acomplamiento de DPG con BEM, XXIX Jornada de Matemática de la Zona Sur, 2016. (21.04-23.04, Universidad de Talca, Santa Cruz, Chile) |
[23] | Robust coupling of DPG and BEM for a singularly perturbed transmission problem, International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL) 2016, 2016. (14.08-19.08, CSRC, Beijing, China) |
[22] | On the coupling of DPG and BEM, The First Chilean Symposium on Boundary Element Methods (invited talk), 2016. (14.12, PUC, Santiago, Chile) |
[21] | A wirebasket preconditioner for the mortar boundary element method, Caleta Numérica (invited talk), 2015. (12.06, PUCV, Valparaíso, Chile) |
[20] | Multilevel methods for the hypersingular integral equation on locally refined triangulations, La Serena Numérica II, 2015. (14.01-16.01, La Serena, Chile) |
[19] | A wirebasket preconditioner for the mortar boundary element method, Seminar (invited talk), 2015. (09.06, Universidad del Bío Bío, Concepción, Chile) |
[18] | Optimal preconditioning for the coupling of adaptive FEM and BEM, 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM 2015), 2015. (27.04-29.04, Buenos Aires, Argentina) |
[17] | DPG method with optimal test functions for a fractional advection diffusion equation, XXIV Congreso de Matemática CAPRICORNIO (COMCA 2015), 2015. (05.08-07.08, Iquique, Chile) |
[16] | Optimal preconditioning for the coupling of adaptive FEM and BEM, 12th Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, 2014. (25.09-28.09, Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal, Austria) |
[15] | Optimal preconditioning for the coupling of adaptive FEM and BEM, Seminar (invited talk), 2014. (11.09, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany) |
[14] | Coupling of FEM and BEM: adaptivity and preconditioning, Seminar (invited talk), 2014. (20.11, TU Graz, Graz, Austria) |
[13] | Optimal preconditioning for the coupling of adaptive finite elements and boundary elements, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 2014. (20.07-25.07, Barcelona, Spain) |
[12] | Efficient additive Schwarz preconditioning of the hypersingular integral equation on locally refined triangulations, Doctoral Program on Dissipation and Dispersion nPDEs (Seminar), 2014. (22.01, Vienna University of Technology, Austria) |
[11] | Convergence of adaptive FEM-BEM coupling, 4th Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (WONAPDE), 2013. (14.01-18.01, Concepción, Chile) |
[10] | Efficient additive Schwarz preconditioning of the hypersingular integral equation on locally refined triangulations, 11th Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, 2013. (26.09-29.09, Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal, Austria) |
[9] | FEM-BEM couplings without stabilization, Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM), 2013. (09.01-11.01, Santiago de Chile, Chile) |
[8] | Additive Schwarz methods for non-symmetric FEM-BEM couplings on locally refined meshes, Seminar (invited talk), 2013. (05.07, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany) |
[7] | Stability of FEM-BEM couplings for nonlinear elasticity problems, 9th Austrian Numerical Analysis Day, 2013. (11.04-12.04, Graz, Austria) |
[6] | FEM-BEM coupling without stabilization, 10th Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, 2012. (27.09-30.09, Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal, Austria) |
[5] | Convergence of adaptive FEM-BEM coupling driven by residual-based error estimators, 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), 2012. (10.09-14.09, Vienna, Austria) |
[4] | Classical FEM-BEM couplings: well-posedness, nonlinearities, and adaptivity, BEM on the Saar 2012, 2012. (12.05-16.05, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany) |
[3] | Classical FEM-BEM couplings: well-posedness, nonlinearities, and adaptivity, 8th Austrian Numerical Analysis Day, 2012. (10.05-11.05, Vienna University of Technology, Austria) |
[2] | Computing the magnetostatic potential, Numerik-Statusseminar Ulm und Wien, 2010. (25.08-29.08, Kleinarl, Austria) |
[1] | Computing the magnetostatic potential, Numerik-Statusseminar Ulm und Wien, 2009. (12.09-19.09, Cortona, Italy) |